There are some ways to convert youtube video to mp3. I used to use online converter, but it fails when the video is lengthy (say more than 30 minutes). From my experience, the most convenient way for me is using youtube-dl (I love terminal. It is command based, so it might not very convenient for those who love GUI-based app). Here are the most convenient steps that I use:
The most convenient way to install is using pip. Followings are full steps for installation:
1. Install python
2. Download pip installer here.
3. Go to folder where you put then write this in your terminal
1. Now you can download youtube video and convert it to mp3. Just type this in your terminal (change the video URL to the one you want to download)
$ youtube-dl --proxy http://username:password@proxy_address:proxy_port --extract-audio --audio-format mp3
The most convenient way to install is using pip. Followings are full steps for installation:
1. Install python
2. Download pip installer here.
3. Go to folder where you put then write this in your terminal
$ python get-pip.py4. Now you have pip installed. Time to download youtube-dl. Type this in your teminal
$ pip install youtube-dl## DOWNLOAD TIME ##
1. Now you can download youtube video and convert it to mp3. Just type this in your terminal (change the video URL to the one you want to download)
$ youtube-dl --extract-audio --audio-format mp3 If you are running behind proxy, you need to add into your command
$ youtube-dl --proxy http://username:password@proxy_address:proxy_port --extract-audio --audio-format mp3