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Tata Tertib Peserta HSI Abdullah Roy

⭕💠⭕💠⭕💠⭕💠⭕💠 Agar tidak keluar dari tujuan dibentuknya Grup HSI ABDULLAHROY, semua peserta diminta memperhatikan dan mentaati tata tertib berikut: ⭕💠⭕💠⭕💠⭕💠⭕💠 1. Mengikuti serangkaian pembelajaran dan evaluasi yang telah ditetapkan. 2. Wajib berada di Grup Materi dan Diskusi. 3. Dilarang mengganti logo dan atau nama grup. 4. Tidak diperkenankan mengunggah apapun ke Grup Materi. 5. Menghindari penggunaan emoji atau smiley yang menyerupai makhluk bernyawa. 6. Informasi kajian, artikel, gambar atau informasi lainnya dapat diunggah ke grup diskusi hanya dengan izin dari Admin dan yang dapat mengunggahnya  adalah Admin. 7. Terlarang secara mutlak memberikan informasi apapun terkait transkrip materi HSI serta membagikannya di grup HSI dan tidak diizinkan membagikan  audio HSI ABDULLAHROY keluar grup HSI. Pelanggaran terhadap aturan ini dikategorikan sebagai  pelanggaran berat dan langsung dikeluarkan dari grup tanpa pemberitahuan terlebih dahulu. 8. Pada ...
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Program sedekah Nasi Gratis

Bismillah. Memberi makanan/minuman adalah salah satu bentuk sadaqah jariyah, yang amal pahalanya akan terus mengalir selama yang kita sedekahi masih hidup dan melakukan kebaikan. Program sedekah nasi gratis adalah model sedekah yang unik, dimana dalam satu tempat, siapapun boleh memberi sedekah nasi/minum/snak dan siapapun juga boleh mengambilnya. Saat ini, gerai nasi gratis sudah tersedia di beberapa tempat (Piyungan, Bekasi, dan lain-lain). Untuk anda yang dekat dengan gerai, silakan langsung meletakkan makanan/minuman/snack di gerai nasi gratis. Untuk anda yang jauh atau tidak sempat mampir ke gerai, anda dapat menyalurkan sedekah nasi gratis anda melalui sahabatkebaikan di tautan berikut.

Install BigHybrid under Ubuntu 16.04 Server

BigHybrid is a simulator based on SimGrid, used to simulate MapReduce under Hybrid environment (Desktop Grid and Cloud environment). Followings are the steps to install BigHybrid needs SimGrid version 3.14.159. Download the zip from this link: 14 Install some packages needed: libboost-dev libboost-context-dev Extract the zip. It will be easier if you use unzip . Just install it using the following command: sudo apt-get install unzip Install the simgrid cd simgrid-3_14_159 cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/opt/simgrid . make make install Now download and install BigHybrid wget unzip cd BigHybrid Change the INSTALL_PATH in Makefile and examples/Makefile . Point to the folder where you put the SimGrid. In my case, my INSTALL_PATH is like this: INSTALL_PATH = /home/arwan/simgrid-3_14_159 . You can do this by using any editor you ...

Find JIRA issues mentioned in Confluence Page

I have been walking through a lot of pages in internet but have not found any answer except one. However, the answer is not complete, so I will share my experience here. This feature is very useful, especially to summarize the issues found during certain tests, where the tests are reported in a confluence page. I found that there are so many questions about this, but Atlassian seems does not want to bother with this request. I found one way to do this by the following tricks Take one JIRA issue that related to the target confluence page (in this case, say it is GET-895) Find the global ID of a JIRA issue: It will show the JSON like this: [{"id":28293,"self":"","globalId":"appId=662e1ccf-94da-3121-96ae-053d90587b29&pageId=105485659","application":{...

If and For in Wolfram Mathematica (with examples)

IF Condition in Wolfram Mathematica The syntax is as follows xxxxxxxxxx If [ condition , what to do if true , what to do if false ] Some examples Example 1. Simple command x x = - 3 ; If [ x < 0 , - x , x ] 3 Example 2. If condition in a function abs [ x_ ] := If [ x < 0 , - x , x ] abs /@ { - 3 , 2 , 0 , - 2 } { 3 , 2 , 0 , 2 }   For in Wolfram Mathematica The syntax is as follows For [ start , test , inc , what to do ] Some examples Example 1. Simple Loop xxxxxxxxxx For [ i = 0 , i < 4 , i ++, Print [ i ]] 0 1 2 3 Example 2. Another simple loop For [ i = 10 , i > 0 , i --, Print [ i ]] 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Example 3. Print list a = { 10 , 3 , 9 , 2 } For [ i = 1 , i < 5 , i ++, Print [ a [[ i ]]]] 10 3 9 2  

How to Easily Generate Big File

I had difficulty in finding any large text file. In Google, some of them suggest to download from wikimedia dump and some of them from gutenberg project. However, the following steps are a lot easier than going to all the menus in either wikimedia or gutenberg. Enter any small text file In the first step, just enter any small text file. For example: $ echo 'arwan ahmad khoiruddin' > mytext.txt Merge the text into big file Next, you can merge the text into big file. Here's how $ cat mytext.txt mytext.txt mytext.txt > merged.txt The content of file merged.txt will be arwan ahmad khoiruddin arwan ahmad khoiruddin arwan ahmad khoiruddin So, if you want to create big file, you can just repeat the cat as many as possible. For example $ cat mytext.txt mytext.txt mytext.txt mytext.txt mytext.txt mytext.txt mytext.txt mytext.txt mytext.txt mytext.txt mytext.txt mytext.txt mytext.txt mytext.txt mytext.txt mytext.txt mytext.txt mytext.txt ...