Converting from one programming language to other programming language may need some effort and understanding on both programming language. In this post, I will discuss about converting from Fortran to Matlab.
Fortran is general-purpose programming language developed by IBM. It is used primarily for numeric computation and scientific computation. Matlab is array-based programming language that used for scientific computation.
To convert from Fortran to Matlab, here are two alternatives you can do:
1. Convert manually
2. Convert automatically
==== 1. Convert manually =====
To convert manually, you have to understand both language very well. In the converting process, it will be easier for you to display your fortran code and your matlab side-by-side. If you have dual screen, it will be a lot easier. You can put your fortran code in second screen and your matlab in first screen. Or you can print your fortran code and put it beside your workstation.
==== 2. Convert automatically ====
I found a fortran to matlab converter from mathworks developed by Barrowes consulting ( To convert, followings are some steps needed:
1. Download and extract f2matlab into your computer
2. In matlab, go to the folder in which you extract f2matlab
3. In matlab command, put >> f2matlab('myfortran.f');
4. The f2matlab.m will do automatically for you
However, I noticed that some files cannot be converted correctly. Therefore, I have to do double check for the converted one. I noticed even some files cannot be converted at all. So, the f2matlab can help you a lot. However, be ready for manual checking and even manual conversion.
Hope this helps.
Fortran is general-purpose programming language developed by IBM. It is used primarily for numeric computation and scientific computation. Matlab is array-based programming language that used for scientific computation.
To convert from Fortran to Matlab, here are two alternatives you can do:
1. Convert manually
2. Convert automatically
==== 1. Convert manually =====
To convert manually, you have to understand both language very well. In the converting process, it will be easier for you to display your fortran code and your matlab side-by-side. If you have dual screen, it will be a lot easier. You can put your fortran code in second screen and your matlab in first screen. Or you can print your fortran code and put it beside your workstation.
==== 2. Convert automatically ====
I found a fortran to matlab converter from mathworks developed by Barrowes consulting ( To convert, followings are some steps needed:
1. Download and extract f2matlab into your computer
2. In matlab, go to the folder in which you extract f2matlab
3. In matlab command, put >> f2matlab('myfortran.f');
4. The f2matlab.m will do automatically for you
However, I noticed that some files cannot be converted correctly. Therefore, I have to do double check for the converted one. I noticed even some files cannot be converted at all. So, the f2matlab can help you a lot. However, be ready for manual checking and even manual conversion.
Hope this helps.