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Showing posts from November, 2018

If and For in Wolfram Mathematica (with examples)

IF Condition in Wolfram Mathematica The syntax is as follows xxxxxxxxxx If [ condition , what to do if true , what to do if false ] Some examples Example 1. Simple command x x = - 3 ; If [ x < 0 , - x , x ] 3 Example 2. If condition in a function abs [ x_ ] := If [ x < 0 , - x , x ] abs /@ { - 3 , 2 , 0 , - 2 } { 3 , 2 , 0 , 2 }   For in Wolfram Mathematica The syntax is as follows For [ start , test , inc , what to do ] Some examples Example 1. Simple Loop xxxxxxxxxx For [ i = 0 , i < 4 , i ++, Print [ i ]] 0 1 2 3 Example 2. Another simple loop For [ i = 10 , i > 0 , i --, Print [ i ]] 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Example 3. Print list a = { 10 , 3 , 9 , 2 } For [ i = 1 , i < 5 , i ++, Print [ a [[ i ]]]] 10 3 9 2  

How to Easily Generate Big File

I had difficulty in finding any large text file. In Google, some of them suggest to download from wikimedia dump and some of them from gutenberg project. However, the following steps are a lot easier than going to all the menus in either wikimedia or gutenberg. Enter any small text file In the first step, just enter any small text file. For example: $ echo 'arwan ahmad khoiruddin' > mytext.txt Merge the text into big file Next, you can merge the text into big file. Here's how $ cat mytext.txt mytext.txt mytext.txt > merged.txt The content of file merged.txt will be arwan ahmad khoiruddin arwan ahmad khoiruddin arwan ahmad khoiruddin So, if you want to create big file, you can just repeat the cat as many as possible. For example $ cat mytext.txt mytext.txt mytext.txt mytext.txt mytext.txt mytext.txt mytext.txt mytext.txt mytext.txt mytext.txt mytext.txt mytext.txt mytext.txt mytext.txt mytext.txt mytext.txt mytext.txt mytext.txt ...